China has introduced its own web-based product data management platform for the automotive industry in order to comply with the recycling- and reuse requirements (China ELV) for automotive products: CAMDS (China Automotive Material Data System). It is – similar to IMDS - a material data system with nearly the same functionalities. However, it is conceived differently in part and calls for a much different procedure to submit parts and materials.
CAMDS is likewise meant to ensure that the required reuse rate is adhered to and that prohibited substances are either not used or their use is restricted. Furthermore, it ensures that the recycling of Chinese automotive parts is improved. Same as IMDS, CAMDS presents a solution with which the chemical composition of automotive parts can be tracked across the entire supply chain. Similarly in CAMDS, bans and restrictions on basic substances, as described in ELV Annex II, for lead, mercury, Cr 6+ and Cadmium, must be complied with.
2017年7月3日-4日,上汽大通汽车有限公司(以下简称“上汽大通”)接受荷兰车辆认证中心(RDW)的RRR体系现场审核,并顺利通过RRR体系认证,向大批量出口欧洲高端汽车市场迈出重要一步。现场审核过程中,RDW官员Herald ten Hove分别就产业链数据采集、供应商要求传达、供应商物料信息管理、零部件材料标识、回收利用能力保障、质量/环境管理体系认证等13个方面进行评审,对上汽大通借助中国汽车材料数据系统(CAMDS)、车用材料可再利用性和可回收利用性通用判定指南(CPTL)实现全产业链整车材料数据收集、分析和计算给予了高度肯定。